
在上述加州体系的大学录取评审中,录取官员会考察申请人身上的四大类品质。毫无疑问,这四大类品质就是这些大学在录取学生时所特别看重的指标。因此,在写作留学申请文书,尤其是common application的主essay时,将写作的重点放在这些侧面,文章肯定就能投其所好。

Challenges, special circumstances, hardships and persistence


Leadership, initiative, service and motivation


Diversity of cultural and social experience


Intellectual and creative engagement and vitality


Honors, awards, special projects, and talents



Ultimately the Admissions Committee seeks to identify students who will be the best educators of one another and their professors – individuals who will inspire those around them during their college years and beyond. We are always happy to hear from Harvard alumni/ae who say that one of the best aspects of their college experience was the education they received from fellow classmates. Equally rewarding to observe are the life-long friendships that develop among classmates, faculty, and all the members of the Harvard Community.
As admissions officers read applications and discuss them in the admissions selection meetings, many questions are on their minds:

  ●Has the candidate reached her maximum growth?

  • ●Has the candidate been stretching himself?

  • ●Has the candidate been working to capacity? In his academic pursuits? In her full-time or part-time employment? In other areas?

  • ●Does the candidate have reserve power to do more?

  • ●How has the candidate used her time?

  • ●Does the candidate have initiative? Is he a self-starter? What motivates her?

  • ●Does the candidate care deeply about anything—intellectual? personal?

  • ●What has the candidate learned from his interests? What has she done with her interests? How has he achieved results? With what success or failure? What has she learned as a result?

  • ●Will the candidate be able to stand up to the pressures and freedoms of Harvard?

  • ●What choices has the candidate made for himself? Why?

  • ●Is the candidate a late bloomer?

  • ●What is the quality of the candidate’s activities?

  • ●Does the candidate have a direction yet? What is it? If not, is she exploring many things? Or is he just letting everything happen to him? Where will the candidate be in one year? Five years? Twenty-five years? Will she contribute something, somewhere, somehow?

  • ●What sort of human being is the candidate now? What sort of human being will she be in the future?

  • ●Will the candidate contribute something to Harvard and to his classmates? Will she benefit from her Harvard experience?

  • ●Would you or other students want to room with this applicant, share a meal, be in a seminar together, be teammates, or collaborate in a closely knit extracurricular group?

  • ●In terms of extracurricular, athletic, community, or family commitments, has the applicant taken full advantage of opportunities?

  • ●Does the person appear to have a genuine commitment and leadership role or does the participation appear to be perfunctory?

  • ●If a candidate has not had much time in high school for extracurricular pursuits due to familial, work, or other obligations, ●what does she hope to explore at Harvard with her additional free time?

  • ●How open is the student to new ideas and people?

  • ●What about the applicant’s apparent maturity, character, leadership, self-confidence, warmth of personality, sense of humor, energy, concern for others and grace under pressure?


  •   ●候选人是否已经达到了其最大程度上的成长?

  • ●候选人是否已经尽其所能拓展自身?

  • ●候选人是否已经竭尽全力?在其学术追求方面,在其全职或兼职工作中,以及在其它领域中,做到了全力以赴?

  • ●候选人是否后劲十足,可以取得更大成就?

  • ●候选人如何利用时间?如何进行时间管理?

  • ●候选人是否具备主动性与进取心?是一个自我激励者吗?赋予其动机的是哪些因素?

  • ●候选人是否对任何事物都会展示出强烈的关注——学术层面的,个人层面的?

  • ●候选人从其兴趣中学到了些什么?他/她是如何去追寻和拓展这些兴趣的?取得了什么样的结果?有何成败?他/她从中学到了哪些有益的东西?

  • ●候选人是否有能力承受哈佛大学所特有的压力与各种自由?

  • ●候选人为自己作出过什么样的选择?为什么?

  • ●候选人是否是一个后来居上、大器晚成者?

  • ●候选人所从事的各项活动,质量如何?

  • ●候选人是否拥有明确的方向?它是什么?如果没有,是否正在探索许多事物?还是说,他/她只是在消极等待?一年之后,候选人将处于何种境况?五年之后?二十五年之后?他/她能否以某种方式在某个地方作出某种贡献?

  • ●候选人现在是一个什么样的人?未来,他/她又会成为一个什么样的人?

  • ●候选人能否为哈佛、为其同学作出任何贡献?他/她能否从哈佛的经历中获益?

  • ●你或其他学生是否愿意和这位申请者成为室友?一起吃顿饭?一起参加专题研讨会?一起成为团队成员?在关系密切的一个课外小组中,是否愿意合作?

  • ●在投身于课外活动、体育活动、社区活动或家庭事务时,申请人是否充分利用了各种各样的机会去作出贡献?

  • ●该学生是否显示出拥有一种真正的、愿意全身心投入的激情与理想?是否能担当领导者的角色?还是说他对活动的参与仅仅是敷衍了事?

  • ●如果候选人因为家庭、工作或其他的义务而没能在高中有充裕的时间在课外活动中有所追求,那么,他/她计划如何利用其在哈佛大学额外的空余时间来进行探索呢?

  • ●该生对新思想和不相识的人,态度是否开放?

  • ●申请人的成熟度、性格、领导力、自信、人格魅力、幽默感、精力充沛度、对他人的关爱、顶住压力、从容不迫的能力如何?





本网站所有案例及留学文书作品(包括“个人陈述”Personal Statement,“目的陈述”Statement of Purpose, “动机函”Motivation Letter,“推荐信”Recommendations / Referemces “, (小)短文”Essays,“学习计划”Study Plan,“研究计划”(Research Proposal),“签证文书”Visa Application Documents 及“签证申诉信”Appeal Letter等等),版权均为嘉文博译所拥有。未经许可,不得私自转载,违者自负法律责任。


本网站所有案例及留学文书作品(包括“个人陈述”Personal Statement,“目的陈述”Statement of Purpose, “动机函”Motivation Letter,“推荐信”Recommendations / Referemces “, (小)短文”Essays,“学习计划”Study Plan,“研究计划”(Research Proposal),“签证文书”Visa Application Documents 及“签证申诉信”Appeal Letter等等),版权均为嘉文博译所拥有。未经许可,不得私自转载,违者自负法律责任。仅供留学申请者在学习参考,不作其他任何用途。任何整句整段的抄袭,均有可能与其他访问本网站者当年递交的申请材料构成雷同,而遭到国外院校录取委员会“雷同探测器”软件的检测。一经发现,后果严重,导致申请失败。本网站对此概不负责。

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