


            Personal Statement

          Applicant: XXX  UC-Berkeley

In 1997, the then vice president of the United States AL-Gore arrived at the Experimental Middle School Attached to Beijing Normal University to inspect how the GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), an international environmental and educational program launched by Mr. Al-Gore himself on the Earth Day of 1994, was being implemented. As chairperson of the Student Union, member of the GLOBE program (restricted to only 4 best middle schools in China), and the student of merit with good English proficiency, I reported to Mr. Al-Gore on the progress of the program in our school. Then, in 1998, I went on an exchange program with an Australian high school where I directly experienced the education and culture of an English-speaking country. Finally, in 2001, at a celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of Sino-American ping-pong diplomacy, I was appointed to put on an exhibition match for Dr. Henry Kissinger, the former U.S. Secretary of State.

Those three highlights of my school life have been defining because they are very special to me as a Chinese student. I found myself being exposed to international experiences and the cultivation of an international sensibility has enabled me to have a broader vision and horizon. I tend to look at things from a balanced point of view, taking into consideration both the Chinese and western cultural factors. I have also developed much broader concerns. I not only focused on my own personal and scholastic development, but also committed myself to serving the needs of the larger society. I became a “Rainbow” volunteer for the 21st Universiade in Beijing and a volunteer for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Compared with most of my Chinese peers, I have made earlier endeavors to develop my international perspectives. I have done so under the belief that, as China becomes more and more integrated into the international community, members of the present younger generation should not be confined to their national experiences. This is because within less than two decades, they will be the leaders of their society, which will be much more closely blended with the rest of the world. The earlier they develop their international perspectives, the better they can interact with the international community. The “conflicts of civilizations” which plague the modern world according to Huntington will be reduced if people from different cultural backgrounds can rally around some universal values and international perspectives.

This determination to develop international perspectives has led me to pursue an international education. Having completed my high school education cum laude, with special aptitudes in mathematics and English and with distinguished performance in extracurricular activities as monitor of class and lead singer of the student chorus, I entered Columbia College, Canada, in 2002. After receiving 4-month advanced trainings in integrated English skills, I transferred to Langara College where I majored in Commerce and Business Administration. My education in China has provided me with a sound foundation for international education, as I scored straight A’s in all the courses I took—Economics (covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics), Mathematics I and II (Calculus I and II for business and social sciences, in which I achieved the highest score in the class). In September 2003, I switched back to Columbia College where I am taking three courses—Microeconomics, English and Sociology. As the student activity committee’s commissary in charge of entertainment, I have launched two major campus events this November—International Day and the Food Bank. For more than a year in Canada, I have been president of the Scientific Group in Columbia College, a Sunday church volunteer, AIDS social worker, volunteer of CNIB (the Canadian National Institute for the Blind) and World Weightlifting Championship, pianist in Fellburn Care Center, Vancouver Art Gallery assistant, etc.

Considering my mathematics aptitudes and my Canadian education in economics and commerce, I would like to concentrate on business and marketing in my proposed program.? My motivation comes from my belief that international business and marketing is the best way to realize the optimum allocation of resources on a global scale, most effectively and directly contributing to the welfare of people in various countries. As preparations for your program, I have two tentative practical experiences—doing a survey study on consumer credit of Beijing citizens in high school and an internship this summer at KPMG Huazhen Certified Public Accountants (CHINA) where I was exposed to audit principles and procedures.

Recognized as the “best balanced distinguished university in the country” and boasting of 18 Nobel laureates, UC Berkeley is very appropriate for me as its Haas School of Business has the tradition of training students for export trade with the Orient. I am fascinated by your excellence in undergraduate economics and business/marketing education and am determined to enrich your student community with my unique background as well as academic excellence. Your program is very appropriate for me and I wish to grow as your esteemed university grows with its most robust vitality.



  1997年,时任美国副总统的艾尔·戈尔先生莅临北京师范大学附属中学,前来检查由戈尔先生本人于1994年地球日在全球范围内发起的环境与教育合作项目GLOBE (Global Learning & Observation to Benefit the Environment,即“有益于环境的全球性学习与观察计划”)在我校的执行情况。作为校学生会主席,该GLOBE项目(在中国仅限于四所最好的中学)的成员,有着良好英语能力的校优秀学生,我向戈尔先生汇报了该项目在我校的进展。然后,于1998年,我前往澳大利亚一所中学参加一项交流项目,直接体验到了一个英语国家的教育与文化。最后,于2001年,在庆祝中美乒乓外交30周年的一次活动中,我被委派为美国前国务卿基辛格博士举行了乒乓球表演赛。






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