


The best writing is often very personal. All kinds of experiences-serious, funny, unexplained, fleeting-can influence our lives and help make us who we are. Tell us about a person, place, or event in your life that has particular meaning for you, and why it is important to you. We'd especially like to hear about someone or something that has affected your life that may not have affected or even been noticed by other people. 最出色的写作往往是非常个人化的。形形色色的经历——或严肃,或幽默,或不可名状,或转瞬即逝——都有可能影响到我们的生活,使我们成为我们现在的样子。请告诉我们对你具有特殊意义的某个人、某处地方、或你生活中的某一事件,并说明为何对你意义重大。我们尤其希望了解对你的生活产生了影响的人或事,这些人或事或许还不曾影响到他人,甚至还未为他人所注意。

      Blueprints and Footprints / 蓝图与足迹

Wenzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, those are some of the small, medium and big cities of China. The first is where I was born and grew up and the others are where I lived for a couple of years and had my education.

I have had such a nomadic urban life because of my father, an architect. He is frequently invited to design buildings in different cities across the country and he has the habit of really being part of the city before he actually sets down to his design. He would continue to live in the city to experience what it is like to be part of the city where a new building has gone up.

My father is different. He is constantly on the move but he leaves behind him something constant and long-lasting. For me, his story has become a symbol of all the endeavors of life—that everyone of us is on the journey of life, a life which is all too transitory and fleeting but we endeavor to make it endless by creating something eternal. In this sense, my father is a traveler and he leaves his unmistakable and indelible footprints along his journey of life.

Those footprints are indelible and eternal because he has tried to make all his buildings soulful, each having a life and a soul of its own, perfectly harmonizing with the surroundings while being unique and distinctive. The residential complexes he designed in Suzhou have contributed to making it the most livable city in China where the 2001 APEC Summit was held. In others, the International Trade Centers have become the landmarks bearing witness to the vibrant economic booms in those dynamic metropolises.

I am also a soulful design, a masterpiece, by my father. When I was born in 1990, we were not quite well off. My deepest childhood memory was my father still working during midnight designing blueprints in order to earn money that could buy good milk powder that would make me healthy.

Our frequent relocations tended to create initial disorientation to me in each new city we have “settled”. I had to adapt to strange environments, listen to strange dialects, eat strange food, experience strange culture and meet new people and make new friends. But when those consecutive strangeness and novelty are made a regular condition of life, I find they are most rewarding in their own ways. They have made me adaptable, open-minded, sociable, and ready to turn the negative into positive. By traveling across the country and to other countries, I have acquired cross-cultural and international perspectives.

As my father became well established as a major architect in this country over the past decade, we are very well-off by any standard. In Shanghai and in Beijing, I have been receiving the best education available—International Baccalaureate--given by an outstanding cohort of international faculty. I have been receiving rigorous artistic cultivations in painting and calligraphy. The friendships I developed with my classmates and teachers in different cities, as well as the art works I have created, are the footprints that I have been leaving along my own journey of life.

Although materially quite well-off, I have been educated by my father to have a loving and caring heart. By naming me “Si-Dan”(thinking of simplicity), my father expected me to never forget that “less is more”, a overriding principle in architecture. I am always told that the value is life is measured not by what you have but by what you give. He told me stories about how Rockefeller’s daughters committed themselves to charity. His teachings explained how I made very generous cash donations in May 2008 in the wake of a deadly earthquake measuring at 8.0 M in Sichuan, in which over 85,000 are confirmed dead. That was just one of many instances I am committed to public welfare.

As I a to complete my IB, I am encouraged by my father to be on the move again—to receive the best education in the United States to enrich my knowledge about this world, to enhance my personal cultivations, to experience the fascinating American culture, and ultimately to develop myself into a personal capable of making useful contributions to our society. I believe I have inherited that wanderlust of my father’s, forever on the move in search for something unchanging and long-lasting. I may not become an architect like my father designing blueprints, but I will definitely leave my own firm footprints in a meaning journey of personal development and self-actualization.



















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