嘉文博译留学文书/MBA Essay Writing CASE NINE

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Essay 4

Discuss an ethical dilemma that you experienced firsthand. How did you manage and resolve the situation? (400 - word limit)

When I left the city of LiuZhou to return to Beijing and a new job, under company rules I had to transfer my equities in the company. I had two choices: I could transfer them to fellow shareholders or sell them to company outsiders. The company had previously become a stable company, which allowed for me to easily transfer my equities to people outside of the company. Selling to outsiders would get me a higher price and I would be able to obtain payment in cash. But to allow outsiders to have a say in the management of the company would likely cause conflict among the other stockholders, thereby causing potential difficulties in my communications with the Board and other management officers in my new position with the company in Beijing. Potentially, it could have affected the overall stability of the company. If I transferred the equities to fellow stockholders, because of certain rules limitations by the company, the sale could only be made at a price lower than outsiders were willing to pay, and the time of the payment of the shares would be postponed until several months later.

I was torn between the ethical choice of supporting the best interests of my company or making more money on the sale. It was a difficult choice, because the difference between selling inside the company and selling to outsiders was the same as two years' salary for me. On the one hand I could make a lot of money, but the company that I had given my heart and soul to could possibly be split up, and the people that I worked with would no longer consider me as a friend. The other choice was to sell within the company at a much lower price while simultaneously insuring that the company would make the transition peacefully.

I finally decided to keep the sale inside the company, and to transfer my equities according to suitable proportions to the future Board Chairman, the general manager, and other staff employees who had performed well for the company in the past. My decision was based purely to support the company rather than only looking out for my own self-interest. I believe that I made the ethical choice that benefited the most people in the long run.


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