嘉文博译留学文书/MBA Essay Writing CASE SIX

小 目 录
Essay 1
Essay 2
Essay 3
Essay 4
Essay 5
Essay 6
Essay 7
Essay 8

Essay 8

What / who has been the single most influential event/person in your life to date? Why? (500 words)

During my graduation designing studies at Harbin Institute of Technology in 1990 – 1991, I was shocked to discover that the integrated circuits of the controlling electric motors used for aircraft navigation orientation studies were all from Japan. I realized that there must be something very special about Japanese manufacturing that allowed them to control this industry, so in July 1991 I went to Japan alone to further my studies. The university was located very far from my home and many of my new classmates drove automobiles to school. I was very envious of their freedom and ability to drive, so I became determined to buy my own automobile.

Because I was not proficient with my Japanese, I had some difficulty in finding a proper job for someone with my qualifications. But I was determined to buy a car, so I accepted a low-paying job delivering newspapers. On rainy days, I often worked while soaking wet in order to keep my newspapers dry. To get enough money to buy a car, I had to take on other jobs as well. I took on odd jobs at petrol stations and restaurants. On weekends I would often do heavy work on construction sites or with house-moving companies. Because of all of the work, I was only getting three or fours of sleep every night. It was absolutely impossible for me to keep up with my studies. I lived my life like this for three long months.

Just as I was about to realize my dream of buying a car, disaster struck. I suddenly passed out at work and had to be taken to the hospital. The doctor determined that I was suffering from exhaustion from overworking and ordered me to stay at home for one month. The doctor decided that, in order for me to fully recover, I would have to recuperate for one full year. All of my life I had been healthy, even through strict and rigorous military training. Now I had to lie in a sick bed for one month and I could do nothing about it.

With so much time now to think, I realized that buying a car was not really that important. For the sake of buying the car, I neglected my studies and lost sight of my overall goal of studying abroad. I foolishly took on more work than I could handle and lost far more than I gained. Rather than realizing my goal of owning a car, I made myself sick.

This experience had a profound effect on me and still influences my life every day. Because I know the pain and frustration of being disabled, I have actively participated in public donation activities to help the disabled. Additionally, as a leader in business, I have had to make important decisions on a daily basis. Because of what I learned from my illness, I now manage to stay focused on the overall goals of the particular situation rather than taking a short-term point of view.

Another lesson that I learned is that, success, even minor success, require necessary costs and sacrifices. Some successes are short-term and pragmatic ones. For a person of insight and wisdom, he or she should be able to resist the temptations of such successes. Only the long-term and ultimate successes count.


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