




        首先自报姓名和申请密码,说明自己是waiting list上的申请人。并说明根据对方的通知,自己已经更新了申请材料。并说明自己对这些新材料的详细解释在另一封邮件里,附上了邮件的题目。并提醒对方自己愿意提供两封新的推荐信,并已经提交了推荐人的邮箱,催促对方尽快发送推荐邀请,以赶上对waiting list申请材料的审核。




Dear Members of the XX Admissions Committee:


My name is Cheng Ting, PIN: xxxxxxxx, and I am a Waiting-List Candidate for XX MS Finance Program. According to the instructions from the Admissions Office, I am encouraged to provide updates to strengthen my candidacy. I have sent you five attachments and my detailed explanations concerning those updates can be found in Update 1 "Message to the Admissions Committee". In addition, I would like to provide two additional recommendation letters and I have provided the email addresses of my recommenders. Please send my recommenders the requests for their recommendation letters as soon as possible to make them in time for your review.


I am most strongly interested in entering your MS Finance program and I hope that you will find those updates useful. I will be looking forward to your favorable consideration of my application.


Thanks a lot to all of you.


Cheng Ting



电话:(010)-62968808 / (010)-13910795348

钱老师咨询邮箱:qian@proftrans.com   24小时工作热线:13910795348

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