
套辞SOS:对方来函询问是否愿意进入Waiting List及我方的确认

        对方来函,通知推迟录取结果,而将申请人放入Waiting List, 并告知Waiting List上的申请者何时能最终获得录取结果的消息,需要申请人确认是否愿意接受这一安排。有意思的是,该商学院说,申请人在此期间,如果有新的重要材料可以补充,以便充实自己的整套申请材料,对方会十分欢迎。



        录取委员会仔细地审阅了申请材料,决定下一轮再决定申请人的申请结果。也就是说,申请人被放在了Waiting list上。对方请申请人在10日内回复是否留在Waiting list上继续等待,并承诺如果申请人继续等待,校方会在截止日期前告知最后的申请结果。


        表示委员会不会解释为什么申请人会被放在Waiting List上,也不会将waiting list上的学生排序。并强调,经常有waiting list上的学生获得录取。






Dear Ting Cheng:


I am writing to inform you that the Admissions Committee of the XXX Graduate School of Business has reviewed your application, and after careful consideration, has decided to postpone a final decision on your admission until later in the admissions cycle. Therefore, we have placed your application on our waiting list. The Committee will notify you immediately if a place in the entering class becomes available. We ask for your e-mail confirmation within 10 days to confirm your interest in remaining on our waiting list. We will provide a final decision no later than the deadline listed below for your corresponding entry date: xxxx xxx xxx.


The committee does not provide interim feedback on the reasons for your waiting list candidacy and we do not rank-order our waiting list. Each year, there are often candidates from the waiting list who are offered admission.


If you wish to provide an update to your candidacy for review by the Admissions Committee, we ask that you consider the following recommendations. Only provide details that are relevant to your application to business school. Such an update may include:
-An updated resume showing a change in employment, promotion, or significant new responsibilities at work
-New GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL result
-Additional letter of recommendation
-Updated transcript that includes grades from classes that were in progress at the initial time of applying to Xx
-Additional essay providing new information about your candidacy


Please do not send videos, photos, research papers or other items outside of the recommended items above. All materials should be sent via e-mail to xxx@xxx.edu. They will be shared with the Admissions Committee within 5 business days of your submission of the updates. Final decisions on your application will be communicated through the “Apply Yourself” online system, so we would encourage you to periodically check for updates. If a decision has been reached, you will receive an automated email, encouraging you to check your status.





Executive Director of Admissions and Administration





        首先彬彬有礼,感谢对方的告知。随后表明心迹,明确的回复自己愿意留在waiting list上,利用这一机会再一次强调自己对该学校的热忱。


        既然对方提到经常有waiting list上的学生被录取,当然也要表示一下自己的信心和积极的态度:我会耐心等待,期待能够被录取。


        再次强调:在整个申请过程中,该校一直是首选。自信地表明申请人仍然认为自己是有竞争力的,并且被放在waiting list上就说明学校也认可他的实力。最后重申自己的兴趣和决心。












        表示确认申请人留在waiting list 上。


Dear B,


Executive Director of Admissions and Administration
It is very nice of you to inform me of the Admissions Committee of the XXX Graduate School of Business has decided to postpone a final decision on my admission until later in the admissions cycle and that you have placed my application on your waiting list. In line with your instruction regarding confirmation, I would like to confirm, unequivocally, my interest in remaining on your waiting list.


Although my final admission still remains uncertain, your information is encouraging because according to your message, there are often candidates from the waiting list who are offered admission each year. Therefore, I will be waiting patiently for your final decision and will be looking forward to hearing the good news.


In applying for graduate studies in the U.S., I have identified the XXX Graduate School of Business as my top priority. At the same time, I deem myself a worthy and competitive candidate for your MS Finance program. The fact that I have been placed on the waiting list indicates that I have the necessary potential to qualify for your acceptance. Therefore, let me reiterate my strong interest and determination to enter your esteemed program and to excel in my future studies.


As I am so interested in entering your program, I would try to provide an update to my candidacy according to your recommendations. I will sincerely appreciate the efforts on the part of the Admissions Committee to review the update.


Please document my confirmation of the interest in remaining on your waiting list and I would be happy if you or members of the Admissions Committee can give me some specific advices as to what I could do to gain acceptance into your outstanding program.


Best Regards
Ting Cheng


Dear Ting:
You are confirmed on the waitlist.



xx Admissions


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