



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the

following drawing. In your essay you should:

1. Describe the drawing briefly;

2. Explain its intended meaning, and

3. Give your comments.


                                  Too late—Nowhere to Escape

In this picture, two men are depicted as inside a physical environment which looks like a coal mine, one is working with great zeal in order to produce a large quantity of coal that can bring a lot of money in this age of energy crisis. The other man is searching for an environment with a powerful telescope, which can look into great distances.

The intended meaning of the picture is that people are totally unaware of the extent of the seriousness of the environmental situation we are in. Due to unchecked exploitation of natural resources, our environment has been destroyed to an alarming extent. The man with the telescope cannot even stand upright, symbolizing how the physical space for human existence has shrunk. There are several fissures over the heads of those two men, symbolizing that there will soon be a devastating collapse, a doomsday for those two men who symbolize all human beings.

Human beings are now definitely trapped in a dilemma—the need to pursue economic development and the need to find an inhabitable environment. The only way out of this dilemma is that we should stop destroying our environment like the workman, who is digging his own “tomb”. In addition, we should take immediate and concrete actions to protect and preserve our environment, which is right in front of us or around us. We should not be like the man with the telescope looking for an environment elsewhere. What really matters is to protect environment we already have and to restore it if it has been damaged, instead of escaping to somewhere else. Otherwise, it will be too late because, with every beautiful environment being savagely destroyed, there will be nowhere to escape.


             美好环境 何处寻觅?






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