



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the

following drawing. In your essay you should:

1. Describe the drawing briefly;

2. Explain its intended meaning, and

3. Give your comments.


                                  Where to Look for our Environment?

In this picture, two men are in a physical environment which looks like a coal mine. With a smiling face, the workman is simply intoxicated with his work—digging the mine whose several fissures indicate it is about to collapse soon. Perhaps he can make lots of money from the coal he is digging for. Another man, with an anxious look on his face, is searching for ‘environment’ with a powerful telescope.

his is a thought-provoking picture because it is symbolic and ironic, replete with profound implications. The workman symbolizes the blind-folded drive for economic profits at the expense of our environment whereas the man with the telescope symbolizes inaction and vain anxieties. We do not need to look into distant places for a beautiful environment after all! The environment is right around us, on our campus, in our local communities, in the gardens and parks just near where we live.

Beautiful environments are everywhere, as long as we know how to protect and preserve them. The problem with the man with the telescope is that he is an escapist. Instead of taking action to stop and prevent the destruction of our otherwise beautiful environment, he simply looks for an environment elsewhere where he can escape to. If we all become escapists like him, we will end up with no livable environments at all. This picture tells us that the earth is our sole environment and, to save our environment, we must act right now and act right here.



             美好环境 何处寻觅?






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