

         每一位申请人都需要郑重对待的是:在提交网申之前,反复核实自己在网申系统中提交的内容。然而申请季需要完成的任务繁多,百密总有一失。好在,好的沟通和陶瓷能够弥补提交错误信息所带来的损失。 本案例中的申请人收到学校发来的推荐信递交链接,但专业是会计的而不是自己申请的金融,于是发信询问学校,请学校核查,才发现原来是自己申请错了专业。于是赶紧与校方沟通,以保证申请材料及时地被移交给申请人原本想申请的专业。































Dear B:


My name is Cheng Ting and I am writing to make an inquiry. I have submitted my application for the MS Analytical Finance and I have provided information concerning the email address of my recommenders. They inform me that they have received your request for submitting their recommendations but the links they have received is those for MS Accounting and Information Analysis. I did register for the MS Accounting and Information Analysis but when it finally came to the actual application the program I applied for is MS Analytical Finance instead of MS Accounting and Information Analysis. The application fee that I have paid is also to the MS Analytical Finance. So could you please be kind enough as to check about that and send my recommenders the recommendation links for the MS Analytical Finance so that my recommenders would be able to submit their recommendations to the right program. I would very much appreciate your kind assistance.


Kind Regards
Cheng Ting


Dear Cheng Ting,

The application that you put forth is the MS in Accounting. I do not see one for MS in Analytical Finance. You may have made an error and chosen the wrong one. We only receive what you complete online. If you wish for me to change the application to the MS in Analytical Finance please let me know and I can do so. Please also provide your date of birth.  One of your recommenders, XX XXX, has already submitted the recommendation. Please ask the other to do so as well.



Dear B,


My date of birth is xx/xx/xxxx. Thank you very much for your information and it indeed appears that I have made a mistake. Anyway, it is very nice of you to tell me that you could help me change my application for MS in Analytical Finance. Please do so by all means because all my application materials are prepared for that particular program and my undergraduate education is almost entirely in the field of finance. Therefore, it is most fitting for me to study finance at the graduate level. I would very much appreciate your kind help in making the change for MS in Analytical Finance.


In the meantime, you have been receiving recommendations from my recommenders. If those recommendations also come through the MS Accounting and Information Analysis links, please also help me transfer them to MS in Analytical Finance. I am so grateful to you for all your kind assistance.


Best Regards
Cheng Ting


Dear Cheng Ting,

I have made the change in your application to the MS in Analytical Finance. Both of your recommendations letters have been submitted and your application is now complete. I will submit it to the Admissions Committee today and will notify you via email once a decision is reached.




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