


1.with the Internet becoming increasingly powerful:随着因特网的功能日趋强劲
要表示中文里“随着…变得…”的意思, 有三种基本的句式。第一,是用as引导一个完整的句子。这样,我们可以把上述的结构改为: as the Internet becomes increasingly powerful; 第二,是用上述结构中的“with… becoming …”; 第三,是用with引导后面一个名词短语,如: with the increasing powerfulness of the Internet;希望大家区分这三种结构,并牢记各自的搭配,不要混淆。

2.online shopping has emerged as a new way of shopping; emerge as … 作为…而崛起;emerge本身就是脱颖而出的意思,emerging可当形容词用,emerging market 通常就称为“新兴市场”,emerging economies通常就称为“新兴经济体”; “中国的和平崛起”开始时的英语表达是“the peaceful emergence of China”或“China’s peaceful emergence”,这个中国人听着十分振奋的说法,在西方人及西方媒体听来十分刺耳,因为含有极强的“亮肌肉”的暗示,故他们告诫中国说,用较为温和的“和平发展”(peaceful development)就会顺耳得多。但“崛起”还是最给力的,最令国人扬眉吐气的,在不忍割爱的情况下,现在就折中为“peaceful rise”(和平兴起)。虽然中文里仍然用“和平崛起”一词,但外国元首来访时,都坚持用peaceful development(“和平发展”)。所有这一切,都颇有意思。

3.which poses strong challenges to the conventional way of shopping:to pose (strong) challenge(s) to: 对…构成了(强劲的)挑战,该短语值得牢记。the conventional way of shopping:常规的(传统的)购物方式。conventional和traditional有时可互换,但conventional的还有一层意思是强调normal,regular,common,ordinary,或average这些词汇所表达的意思,所以,conventional的东西不一定是时间上很古老的东西。“常规武器”就只能说成“conventional weapons”, 而罕用“traditional weapons”。顺便提一下,conventional weapons的反义词是sophisticated weapons, 即尖端武器, 亦即核武器。

4.with all the conveniences created by this new pattern of shopping: with … created by …, 这仍然是“随着…”的句型,只是出现了过去分词,用于表示被动;this new pattern of shopping用于避免与a new way of shopping重复,追求一定的变化。

5.an increasing number of netizens across all age groups resort to online shopping:an increasing number of…就等于“more and more …”; netizen是net与citizen合并而成的一个新造词汇, “网民”的意思; across all age groups:“横跨所有的年龄段”,是个值得牢记的短语;resort to:诸位于…手段,

6.grow into a vogue: 发展成为一种时尚;注意,grow into不要弄作“grow to”; vogue即fashion的意思;

7.one of the leading online-shopping websites intensifying this fashion:leading是“主要的,占据主导地位的,领先的”意思;另外,one of the leading online-shopping websites作宾语,后面不能连接动词原形,或第三人称单数的动词,或动词的过去时态,而应采用分词短语或定语从句(which intensify)的表达方式;

8.to complete a transaction: 完成一次交易, 也可以说to close a deal

9.a rich variety of commodities for potential buyers to choose from:a rich variety of相当于a wide range of, a large selection of, a huge collection of, a series of等; potential buyers潜在的顾客,有时也作“prospective buyers”;

10.a double-edged sword: 一把双刃剑;edge本是“刀刃”的意思,但也引申出另外两个有意思的用法。一是 cutting edge,当名词,是“前沿”的意思,如“scientists on the cutting edge of research”,即“处在科研最前沿的科学家们”;cutting edge中间加一个连字符号,就变成了一个形容词cutting-edge, 表示“最前沿的,最尖端的”, 如:cutting-edge knowledge and expertise”; 另一个表达方式是 competitive edges, 即“竞争优势”的意思,后面的介词要用over, 表示“相对于…, 较之于”, 如:China has gained considerable competitive edges over the United States in the construction of the high-speed railway networks.

11.the pictures of the commodities they intend to purchase:他们打算购买的商品的图片;they intend to purchase是定语从句,关系代词that或which被省略掉了;

12.in quite many cases, the pictures or the verbal descriptions of those goods do not match their actual qualities:in quite many cases表示“在相当多的个案或情景中”;verbal description是“文字描述”的意思;do not match their actual qualities:并不与其实际质量相符;match是及物动词。

13.thus customers’ interests cannot be guaranteed:因此,顾客的利益无法得到保障。光一个“interests”是“利益”的意思,要表示“权益”,即“权利和利益”这两个双重概念时,要用“the rights and interests”;如果要表示“合法权益”, 那就是“legitimate rights and interests”; 与其搭配的动词除了guarantee之外,还可以用safeguard;用protect是最普通的。

14.In addition, without a well-developed logistics network, it would sometimes take many days for purchased goods to arrive, thus causing great delay and rendering so-called conveniences into troubles. in addition亦可作additionally;
well-developed是“发达的,完备的”意思;logistics本来是后勤供应的意思,现在多表示“物流”;“花某人(事)多少时间来做某事”有两种基本的句型:It takes some time for somebody (something) to …”或“It take somebody (something) some time to do …”;purchased goods:已购商品;render… into …: 将… 变成…; render一词的用法很大一部分与make的用法相同;

15.Finally, even though many sellers claim their commodities to be genuine brands, clients tend to lack professional knowledge and skills to discriminate the genuine from the fake ones, and they will ultimately incur considerable financial losses.

In view of many inherent disadvantages of online shopping, customers should duly exercise their precaution when making their purchase decisions. When they have doubts about any aspects of a commodity, they should consult the shop owners fully before making a decision. Finally, they should also make extensive comparisons of the same category of commodities offered by different online shops. In this way, customers can really turn online shopping into something that can positively enrich their modern life.





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